Pubg steam charts
Pubg steam charts


Find out why they’ve earned that name in our video below. PUBG launched in early access in 2017 (though it was called PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds until this summer) and quickly gained popularity, rocketing up the Steam top games chart. We’ve got some PUBG fans here at Polygon.


But considering that PUBG has yet to leave Steam Early Access, is a relative newcomer in the PC space and has already sold more than 10 million copies, we wouldn’t be surprised to see its player count only continue to grow. In March 2016, 1,291,328 users were playing the game at the same time, according to Steam Charts.īoth games are still outpacing almost every other title on Steam, with only Valve’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive coming close to their player counts. The all-time record for concurrents on Steam still belongs to Dota 2, and it could be a while before PUBG breaks it.

pubg steam charts

As of writing, there are 1,005,000 people playing the survival game meanwhile, 745,000 are logged into Dota 2. The multiplayer battle arena game has held the top spot for a long, long time - it was the first game to ever hit one million concurrents on Steam - but PUBG has now far surpassed its current player count. 37 Achievements 26,100 Points 7,976 Steam Points 27h 24m Fastest Completion Time 757h 08m. PUBG has become the most favorite and most played game due to its enhanced graphics and smooth gameplay.


This game is also available in Android and IOs versions. Loot will also be better to make games more competitive, and the blue zones will move faster than normal. Ranked uses a variant of the SUPER settings that PUBG esports uses, so 64 players will be queued together for a match on Erangel, Miramar, Vikendi, or Sanhok. PUBG has become the most famous game played all over the world. Yes, ranked PUBG has a completely different ruleset to regular games. The PlayStation version Free to play was released recently this month. Last weekend, PUBG topped Valve’s Dota 2 in concurrent users on Steam for the first time. PUBG Battleground is on 1 on steam charts.

pubg steam charts

Steam chart based on revenue rather than units. There are more than one million Steam users playing Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds right now, according to the PC games platform’s stats page - a rare feat that should come as no surprise to those tracking the game’s meteoric rise. PC download charts: ‘They Are Billions’ mingles with year’s bestsellers ‘PUBG’, ‘GTA V’.

Pubg steam charts